You’ll be all fired up to join the September Bonus Showdown – All Slots Casino Promo, a fun-filled casino promotion that gives you the chance to earn multiple big Bonus Showdown prizes. The Western-themed Bonus Showdown accompanies you as you start your September gambling activities with extra points, extra spins and extra casino credits. The casino is giving away $125,000 in big prizes and you can grab your share when you sign into your casino account and head to the salon to pick cards and win.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re fresh off the boat in your casino activities or you’ve been around the mill a couple of times. The Bonus Showdown promotion is open to all All Slots players, regardless of their previous gaming experience, playing level or preferred games. You can apply your Bonus Showdown activities to any of your preferred games including any of the multiple poker or blackjack variations, roulette, craps, baccarat, lotteries or casino slots. Play at the minimum and collect modest prizes or play every day and collect the whole kit and caboodle of casino give-aways. Whatever your decision, you’ll gain a ton of chink when you join the Bonus Showdown at the casino’s gaming corral.
Start Playing
The casino provides you with an easy access to this month’s promotions. Just sign into your casino account and navigate to the Draw Card webpage, located here. During the first promotional period of the month of September you’ll receive one free card which you can redeem for that card’s casino prize. After that, the number of cards that you collect during each promotional period is correlated to your gambling activities during the previous week.
Promotion rounds include:
Round 1 — September 6th – September 12th 2015
Round 2 — September 13th to September 19th 2015
Round 3 — September 20th to September 26th 2015
Round 4 — September 27th to October 4th 2015
Round 5 — October 4th to October 6th 2015
As soon as you open your casino account you can begin to draw your cards to win your share of the $125,000 that All Slots is giving out throughout September. You’re invited to draw the number of cards based on the number of days that you play in the previous round. The more days that you ‘ve played, the more cards you’ll be eligible to draw.
From Week 2 onward, after you click the “Draw My Prize” button, the casino will notify you of the number of cards that you’re eligible to draw. If you’ve played for three or four days during the previous week’s round of the Bonus Showdown you’ll be eligible to draw one card. If you’ve played for five or six days in the previous round you can draw two cards. And for the biggest prize, you can choose three cards if you’ve played for 7 days during the previous week’s round.
Each card indicates whether you’ve won free spins, bonus points and Loyalty Points. The process continues throughout the month of September, with the number of days that you played during each promotional round giving you the information about the number of cards that you can draw to win your prizes.
Draw your cards, pardner, and collect your prizes!
Don’t get a bee in your bonnet about simple prizes — the Bonus Showdown prizes are generous casino give-aways that allow you to play more games for more time for free while earning special casino amenities. What prizes are out there in dem der hills? Your cards will tell you what you’ve won, with options that include
Free Spins — your card will tell you how many free spins you’ve won on any of the casino’s most popular slots games including Avalon, Hot as Hades, Ariana, Bridesmaids, Sure Win or Asian Beauty.slots. You can mix and match your free spins and spread them around to different games. So, for instance, you can use 10 of your Free Spins on Avalon, 5 on Sure Win, 5 more on Asian Beauty, and so on. You can also use your free spins on any preferred casino platform so, again, you can use some of your free spins at the Download Casino as you play on your laptop or desktop PC, some at the Instant Play casino when you play on any public casino’s browser and, for Avalon and Bridesmaids Canadian online slots, at the mobile casino when you play on your smartphone or tablet device. Or, of course, you can use all of your accrued free spins on one preferred game or on one casino platform.
Bonus Credits — Your card might indicate that you’ve won anywhere from two to one hundred bonus credits which you can apply to any of your preferred casino games. The bonus credits are free gaming credits that all you to win real money prizes. You can use your bonus credits on any of your preferred casino games including on the casino slots games, table games, card games or lotteries.
Loyalty Points — There are Loyalty Points ranging from one hundred to five THOUSAND points waiting out in the bunkhouse, depending on your card draw. There are double Loyalty Points on special games in the 24 hours during which the game is featured. You add your new Loyalty Points to the points that you’ve already collected and then you can redeem the whole kitten kaboodle for generous casino prizes. If you have a low number of Loyalty Points and you want to redeem them immediately you can earn cashback deals and higher deposit and withdrawal limits. However, if you want to save your points and then turn them in when you’ve collected several thousand points, you have the opportunity to receive luxury gifts which include vacation packages, cruises and more.
Remember! The Bonus Showdown isn’t just about one prize or another. You can win all of these prizes simultaneously, depending on the number of cards that you’re invited to choose. So play consistently and pick three cards during each draw for the chance to earn the widest number of prizes.
Everyone Plays, Everyone Wins
You may be required to make a deposit to collect your prize.The confirmation that you receive after you draw your cards will alert you if there’s any deposit required to collect. For payouts on your free spins, you’ll see your payout balance credited to your existing game earnings.
Claim your prizes during the round in which they are awarded. Prizes that are not claimed during the bonus round in which they’ve been won will be forfitted.
The Bonus Showdown – All Slots Casino Promo offers you a high quality experience of Canadian gambling fun and excitement.